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Okinawa Shorin ryu Matsumura Seito Karate & Kobudo Federation
Affiliate FAKKO: 037/15

FAKKO - Legal Pers. No. 984/94 Insp. Gral. Of Justice of the Nation

Constitutive Act



In the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, on July 10, 2015, the people whose names, addresses and document numbers appear in the list of associates have met in order to establish a Civil Association Subject of Law, in accordance with the prescribed by the Civil Code in articles 32, 33 and 46, and by the Sports Law of the Nation 20,655 in its article 16 classified as Base Entity (EB) by resolution n 155/96 of the Secretary of Sport of the Nation 1 subsection A. Resolving:


1 .- Establish a non-profit Civil Association called: Karate and Metropolitan Kobudo


2.- Approve the statute that will govern the entity (on a separate page) and


3.- Declare the list of ACTIVE partners that make up the entity at present:


.- Gutierrez Pablo

.- Musumeci Sabrina

.- Richo Nicolas

.- Puzzi Ariel

.- Acosta Daniel

.- Peralta Gustavo

.- Cipriano Nancy

.- Jorge Jaeschke

.- Andrea Alberti



4) Elect the members of the Executive Committee, who will direct the entity in the next period provided for in the statute, appointing the following people for the aforementioned positions.


Pablo Gutiérrez Position: President

Nicolás Richo Position: Secretary


Sabrina Musumeci Position: Sports Director



The appointed members accept the performance of the executive and technical positions that have been respectively conferred on them.



5.- The social quota for the member is set and the Executive Committee is authorized, during its mandate, to raise it if necessary up to% 100.


6.- It is authorized and entrusted to the President, Secretary and Sports Director as a whole to prove the constitution of the entity and designation of authorities described in the present act by private instruments of authenticity certified by a notary public.


Decisions have been made unanimously. Not for more, after reading and ratification, the subscribers sign the request in proof of conformity with this constitutive act in the place and on the date indicated above.

Dojo enablement



dojo charter 



dojo charter 



Federal Guarantees 2017

Federal Guarantees 2018

Federal Guarantees 2019

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